uploads/letter head.jpg

letter head 1.箋頭〔印在信紙上端的人名或商行的名稱、地址等〕。2....

letter lock

If there is a fingerpost planted by the touring club at stepaside who procured that public boon ? i who lost my way and contributed to the columns of the irish cyclist the letter headed , in darkest stepaside 是由于我迷了路,給愛爾蘭騎車人的讀者來信欄寫了封信,題目是在最黑暗的斯蒂普阿塞德。

Employer references on their letter headed paper , clearly showing the start and end dates of each position held during the employment , the job title and a description of duties and responsibilities held 信頭有雇主證明,清楚地顯示出在雇用期間每個職位的開始和結束日期,工作崗位和責任描述。

1 it is not an original document . this must be an original bank statement issued on bank letter head . i cannot accept a photocopy 這個不是正本文件。文件必須是銀行用其抬頭紙開據。我不能接受影印本。

1 it is not an original document . this must be an original bank statement issued on bank letter head . i cannot accept a photocopy 它不是原件,在文件的頭上端必須是銀行的原始文件,我不接受復印件。

Using blank side of used paper and old letter heads for drafting or printing 利用已使用紙張的空白面草擬或印制文件